5 Ways to Support Nonprofits During COVID-19 – Volunteer Card

5 Ways to Support Nonprofits During COVID-19

5 Ways to Support Nonprofits During COVID-19

Ways to Support Nonprofits During COVID-19

Nonprofits have been hit hard by COVID-19. Demand for their services may be up, and they cannot get the volunteers that they need to run their organization smoothly. While you may not be able to get to your favorite nonprofit to help because of travel and other restrictions that are in place, there are still ways to help support nonprofits through the problematic situations caused by the coronavirus.

1. Contribute financially

While you may not be able to get there in person, you can still send your money to help nonprofits during COVID-19. If you already had a visit scheduled, instead of asking the nonprofit for a refund, consider giving the money as a donation. Then, find other ways that you can raise funds to donate. You can sell baked goods, run errands for people, sell craftwork or woodwork, or whatever else you can do to monetize your skills. Then, give that money to the nonprofit. With every sale that you make, tell others what you are doing, and see if they would like to make an additional donation. Even if they do not, you are still helping to spread the word.

2. Advocate for them on social media

Most nonprofits welcome you to advocate for them on social media. While you will want to share their posts and comment about how you support the organization, consider building yourself up as an influencer to have more of an impact. By becoming an influencer, you will reach many more people with your nonprofit’s message, and you will be able to support nonprofits better. Start by changing over to a business account. Create an engaging bio using words that people would use to describe the nonprofit. Be sure that your account is complete by filling out your profile and adding pictures. Regularly post content when the most people are online that is unique and helps spread your nonprofit’s message.

3. Offer to donate virtual services

Many different services can be done from home to help nonprofits during COVID-19. You can help update their website or write blogs for them. Think about the particular skills that you have and how they may be useful to your nonprofit. For example, see if they need a trained bookkeeper or a lawyer that can help for a short while from home. If you’re a teacher, then you may be able to volunteer to teach courses online.

4. Encourage full-time volunteers

When people and resources get spread thin, as they have for nonprofits and small businesses, full-time volunteers often must pick up even more duties. This puts them under more stress in a time when they may already have many other stress factors. Send them care packages to let them know that you are thinking about and supporting them. It does not have to be something substantial, even a handwritten note can help. Of course, you need to know what can get into the country and what customs fees will need to be paid and send that money ahead of time.

5. Plan a future trip to volunteer

Many people have extra time right now while they are stuck at home. Help nonprofits during COVID-19 by planning a future trip and start earning the money. Then, start getting supplies organized to take with you. The longer that you have to collect supplies, the more that you can take to your nonprofit. If special skills would be beneficial while you are there, then start learning those skills. While it is natural to be sad that you cannot go right away, make use of this break to hit the ground running as soon as you arrive. Use a humanitarian-focused travel agency such as Fly For Good to help you find airfare with flexibility and a great price.

Instead of looking at this time as the end of your dream to volunteer abroad, consider other ways to help. Additionally, start spreading the word so that others will become interested in the nonprofit that you support. Do not forget to begin laying the groundwork to visit the nonprofit as soon as possible.